With R2-D2 sending a transmission, Plo Koon and the Wolfpack went to rescue them. Fett set a trap for Windu, trapping the two Jedi under rubble. Wolfpack was then sent with Plo Koon to rescue Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu who were trapped inside the Ventator-class ship, the Endurance, who were tracking Boba Fett. Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, who were looking for Plo Koon and the troopers found the remaining Wolfpack and rescued them, escaping from the Malevolence.

The remaining members of Wolfpack were spotted and before they were killed, Plo as well as Sinker and Boost attacked the droids outside the pod, killing them while Wolffe stayed inside and kept their signal going. Plo kept his troopers' morale up by telling them that their lives were worth more than finding any weapon and that if they worked together, they would make it. Wolffe, Sinker and Boost were all that was left of Wolfpack and they were stuck in their escape pod with Plo Koon with the clones having little hope of being rescued. With the fleet destroyed, the Malevolence sent out battle droids to kill the remaining Wolfpack members. Plo Koon informed his men that they should get to the escape pods since they were outgunned. The Malevolence fired its enormous ion cannon which hit the Wolfpack's ships and killed off the ships one by one.

Plo Koon ordered Commander Wolffe to fire upon the ship, but they were out of range. Their investigation lead them to the Abregado system and discovered the Malevolence. What will happen when a force sensitive child becomes the padawan to one of the greatest Jedi Masters? What will happen when she creates bonds with those who have fought, bled and died by her side? What happens when The Wolf Pack has a female for a leader? Original Character insert intoThe Clone Wars.In 22 BBY, Wolfpack was sent to investigate a new weapon of the Separatists. Kriari Foreas was given to the Sand People as an infant. because i'm either a sap or dead inside.where it goes from zero to a hundred real fast.

and by fluff i mean my version of fluff.my oc probably cares more than she should.like for real slow burn I mean SLOW burn.Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings.Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death.ProngsisaBadger Fandoms: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types